I hope so! I'm claiming it! I'm so ready to hit the seas!
Maybe it's a secret to you, or maybe it isn't. But I'm a total introvert who absolutely loves to travel. And you know what else, I think cruising may be my favorite!!! Something about trying new lands and being able to completely detach from the world while at sea is the absolute best! So, do you know who really suffered the day the earth stood still?! This gal! :O) It may also because I LOVE water! I love the freedom you feel when swimming, the beauty of it when you're in the ocean, the peace it brings when on the balcony of your cabin taking the day! Not to mention the kids camp!
Currently, each of the major cruiselines are testing out sailings with fully vaccinated travelers and crew members, and so far things seem to be working! I don't know about you, but I absolutely can't wait until any of the four cruises I'm scheduled on take place. Yes, FOUR! All within the next year. You wanna know the best part? You're invited! Yes, you are! Check out any of these itineraries! Because I like you, we're doubling on board credits through August 15, 2021! So, hurry and secure your cabin while you can! Space is filling fast!!! There are more coming, so keep checking our site: www.gdstravelsolutions.com/invited!